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Launch of TOAEP

During the launch of the Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher in Oslo on 9 November 2010, Judge Erik Møse (Supreme Court of Norway, formerly ICTR President) recalled late Professor Opsahl's interest in finding new and innovative ways of making international law accessible and effective. He warmly welcomed the FICHL efforts to disseminate publications that may assist practitioners in everyday life, inside and outside of the court room. Tor-Aksel Busch (Director-General of Public Prosecutions of Norway) stated that 'it is important for the Norwegian prosecution service, in particular the Office of the Director-General of Public Prosecutions, to make use of the knowledge we find in this group and its publications'. Asbjørn Eide (co-founder and former Director of the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights) made reference to the dilemma of the commons or public goods. He suggested that his life-long friend and colleague Torkel Opsahl would have been very pleased if he had lived to see the establishment of an open access international law quality publisher. Professor Nils A. Butenschøn (Director of the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights) expressed appreciation that the Centre and University of Oslo could host the launch of the Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher. 


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