Editorial Board
The TOAEP Editorial Board members are:
Xabier Agirre Aranburu

Xabier Agirre Aranburu has served as Senior Analyst at the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) of the International Criminal Court since 2004. His professional experience includes, among others, serving as Analyst at the ICTY OTP, Senior Consultant at the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Colombia, Senior Investigator with the Truth Commission of Honduras and Visiting Professor with the American University Washington College of Law. Mr. Agirre Aranburu is the author of several publications on issues of international criminal law and has lectured in a number of universities and training programs on related issues. In 2009, Dr. Agirre was given the Distinguished Alumni Award by the Notre Dame University Kroc Institute for Peace Studies.
Claudia Angermaier

Dr. Claudia Angermaier holds a doctorate in law from the University of Vienna, in addition to a Bachelor of Arts from the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. Formerly Assistant Legal Advisor of the Legal Advisory Section, Office of the Prosecutor, International Criminal Court (2004-05); Research Assistant, Criminal Law Department, University of Vienna (2002-04); Country Manager for the FRY, International Centre for Migration Policy Development (2002). Dr. Angermaier is currently Prosecutor at the Prosecution Office of Vienna.
Neela Badami

Neela Badami is a Senior Associate at Narasappa, Doraswamy & Raja, a Bangalore-based law firm, where she has been working since 2009. Neela holds an LL.M (2008) from the University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor (where she was a Michigan Grotius Fellow), and a B.A., B.L. (Hons.) degree (2005) from the National Academy of Legal Studies and Research (NALSAR) University of Law, Hyderabad, India. She has represented India at the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition (2004) and has been a Law Clerk in the Legal Advisory Section, Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (2005-2006). She is admitted to practice law in India and has in the past worked with one of India's leading law firms, Amarchand Mangaldas in Mumbai (2007-2008).
Markus Benzing

Dr. Markus Benzig is an Associate at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer. He studied law at the universities of Heidelberg and Cambridge (Clare College). After his graduation from Heidelberg University in 2002, Dr. Benzing interned at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and served as a consultant at the International Criminal Court (ICC). From 2003 to 2007, he worked as a research fellow for the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg. He served his legal clerkship (Referendariat) at the District Court in Frankfurt with a secondment to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Dr. Benzing is a member of the Frankfurt Bar and holds a doctor of laws (Dr iur) degree from Heidelberg University (2008).

CHEAH Wui Ling is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore. She holds a LLB and LLM from the National University of Singapore and a LLM from Harvard. For her Harvard studies, she was recipient of a NUS scholarship and the Kathryn Aguirre Worth Memorial Scholarship. Prior to joining NUS, Wui Ling served as a legal officer at Interpol's General Secretariat (Lyon, France) where she specialized in international criminal law, human rights law and cross-border police cooperation. She has also taught international criminal law/transitional justice as a visiting professor at the University of Lyon III (LLM program).

Margaret deGuzman is an Assistant Professor at Temple University's Beasley School of Law. Her research engages questions about the appropriate role of international criminal law in the global legal order, with a particular focus on the concept of gravity. She has authored a number of publications on such issues as the definition of crimes against humanity and the role of case and situational gravity in the legitimacy of the International Criminal Court. Professor deGuzman is a graduate of Yale Law School, the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy, and Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service. She was a Fulbright Scholar in Senegal and is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Irish Center for Human Rights of the National University of Ireland. Before joining the Temple faculty, Professor deGuzman clerked on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and practiced law in San Francisco for six years, specializing in criminal defense. Professor deGuzman also served as a legal advisor to the Senegal delegation at the Rome Conference on the International Criminal Court and as a law clerk in the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia.
Cecilie Hellestveit

Cecilie Hellestveit serves as Research Fellow at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights. She holds a law degree from the University of Bergen, and the equivalent of an LLM in area- and conflict studies. She has previously worked as a research fellow at the Peace Research Institute and has been involved in numerous European research projects related to normative regulation of armed conflict. She has served as general rapporteur to the International Society of Military Law and the Law of War, and is currently completing a PhD on humanitarian law and non-international armed conflicts.
Pablo Kalmanovitz

Dr. Pablo Kalmanovitz is currently Max Weber Fellow in the Department of Law at the European University Institute in Florence. Previously he was ACLS New Faculty Fellow in the Political Science Department at Yale University and visiting professor at the Universidad de los Andes Law School in Bogotá, Colombia. His research interests lie in the intersection of international law, transitional justice, and the history of political and legal thought. He has published articles on internal displacement, transitional justice, and post-war reconstruction, and on the history of the theory of regular warfare. He earned his Ph.D. in political science from Columbia University and an M.A. in philosophy from the University of Chicago.

Dr. Sangkul Kim is a Research Fellow at the Centre for International Law Research and Policy and Part-Time Lecturer at Korea University Graduate School, Department of Law, Seoul. He served as Associate Legal Adviser at the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (2004-08), as a member of Legal Advisory Section, Lubanga Trial Team, Bemba Trial Team, and Katanga and Ngudjolo Trial Team. He earned a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) degree from Korea University and Master of Laws (LL.M.) from Georgetown University Law Center. In 2015, he obtained Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.) degree from Georgetown University Law Center. His doctoral dissertation (‘A Collective Theory of Genocidal Intent’) explored the concept of genocidal intent from a collective perspective, whilst criticizing the individualistic approaches to genocidal intent which have thus far governed the relevant jurisprudential and academic analysis.

Dr. Jann K. Kleffner is Head of the International Law Centre and Associate Professor of International Law at the Swedish National Defence College as well as Assistant Professor of International Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Amsterdam. He is Deputy Programme leader of the ACIL research programme on 'The Role of Law in Armed Conflict and Peace Operations', co-convenor of the Netherlands Research Forum on the Law of Armed Conflict and Peace Operations (LACPO), Committee Member of the Interest Group on Peace and Security of the European Society of International Law, member of the Committee on 'Compensation for Victims of War' of the International Law Association, Visiting Professor at the Hague Forum for Judicial Expertise, and executive member of the The Hague Initiative for Law and Armed Conflict. He has served as expert for the International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Criminal Court, as general rapporteur for the International Society of Military Law and the Law of War, as a contractor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, and in a number of editorial functions, including as Managing Editor and Member of the Editorial Board of the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. Dr. Kleffner has also advised a number of inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations and law firms.
Kjetil Mujezinovic Larsen

Dr. Kjetil Mujezinovic Larsen is Associate Professor at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights at the University of Oslo. His PHD thesis (2010) analyses the application of human rights treaties in UN-mandated peace operations. His other research interests include international humanitarian law and the law of international organizations. He has previous work experience from the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and from the Parliamentary Ombudsman.
Salim A. Nakhjavani

Salim A. Nakhjavani currently serves as Assistant Co-Prosecutor at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. He has taught and published in the field of international criminal law as Lecturer (2006-2008) and Senior Lecturer (2009-2011) in Public Law at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. His PhD research focuses on complexity theory and international law; other research interests include international criminal law and procedure and international sustainable development law. Prior to his appointment at UCT, he served as Associate Human Rights Officer at the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (2005), working on a review of judicial processes in Indonesia and Timor-Leste, and as Assistant Legal Adviser and consultant at the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (2003-2004), where he was involved in the preparatory and initial investigative activities of that Office. He was elected to the Whewell Scholarship in International Law in the University of Cambridge in 2002. He has lectured on international human rights law and specialist topics in international criminal law in several countries.
Héctor Olásolo

Dr. Héctor Olásolo is Professor of International Criminal Law and Procedure at the Willem Pompe Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology of the University of Utrecht. Dr. Olásolo has previously served as Legal Officer in Chambers at the ICC (2004-2009), member of the Legal Advisory and Appeal Sections of the ICTY Office of the Prosecutor (2002-2004), and Legal Advisor of the Spanish Delegation to the ICC Preparatory Commission (1999-2002). Dr. Olásolo has written several books and articles on international criminal and humanitarian law.
Maria Paula Saffon

Maria Paula Saffon is a Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science at Columbia University. She holds a bachelor (Magna Cum Laude) in law and an LL.M. degree of Universidad de Los Andes (Bogota, Colombia). She is an associate researcher of the Colombian Center for the Study of Law, Justice and Society (Dejusticia). For several years, she was a law lecturer at Universidad de Los Andes and Universidad Nacional de Colombia. She does research on causes of political violence, distributive justice and property rights, transitional justice, the rights of victims of atrocities, internal forced displacement, criminal and international human rights law, among others. She has published several articles and book chapters on the subjects, as well as a co-authored book titled Transitional Justice without transition? Truth, Justice and Reparations for Colombia.
Torunn Salomonsen

Torunn Salomonsen is working as a senior adviser at the Department of Legislation at the Norwegian Ministry of Justice. She has previously worked as a Law Clerk at the ICTY, as a research fellow at the University of Oslo where she lectured in international criminal law and as an adviser at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (on the Norwegian ratification of the ICC Statute). She was also a Norwegian delegate to the Preparatory Commission negotiating Elements of Crimes and Rules of Procedure and Evidence. She has published articles in international criminal law and criminal law and is currently completing a PhD thesis on 'Principal liability for political leaders to international crimes'.
Carsten Stahn

Prof. Dr. Carsten Stahn holds a Chair in International Criminal Law and Global Justice at Leiden University. He has previously worked as Legal Officer in Chambers of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and as Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law and holds a PhD degree from Humboldt University. Prof. Stahn is author of numerous books and articles on international criminal law and transitional justice. He is Executive Editor of the Criminal Law Forum, Senior ICC Editor of the Leiden Journal of International Law and Correspondent of the Netherlands International Law Review. He directs NWO-funded research projects on "Jus Post Bellum" and "Post-Conflict Justice and Local Ownership".
Jo Stigen

Dr. Jo Stigen is a Professor at the Department for Public and International Law at the University of Oslo. Dr. Stigen has previously worked at the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and for the Solicitor General, and served as Norwegian delegate in the ICC negotiations (1996-1998).
Philippa Webb

Dr. Philippa Webb is a legal consultant in international law and a visiting Assistant Professor in the Advanced LLM programme at Leiden University. She holds a doctorate and an LLM from Yale Law School as well as degrees in Law and Japanese Studies from the University of New South Wales in Australia. She has worked as the Special Assistant and Legal Officer to President Rosalyn Higgins of the International Court of Justice (2006-early 2009); Associate Legal Adviser in the Legal Advisory Section, Office of the Prosecutor, International Criminal Court (2005-2006); Law Clerk to Judge Rosalyn Higgins and Judge (now President) Hisashi Owada of the ICJ (2004-2005); Associate Officer at the United Nations Secretariat (2001-2003); and a Graduate Lawyer at an international law firm (1999-2001).
WEI Xiaohong

WEI Xiaohong holds doctorate degree in law from Renmin University of China (Beijing). She has undertaken visiting research at the European University Institute (Florence), Erasmus University Rotterdam and the International Institute for Higher Studies in Criminal Science (Siracusa). She has working experience from international business, a law firm, and from teaching courses in international law and English at Beijing universities. Her research interests are in the fields of theory and practice of international law, international criminal law, international humanitarian law, human rights law and international institutional law.